Thursday, July 26, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt: Week 4

The following photos contain a pink hair barrette to ensure that I took the photos myself.

Radial Symmetry is a basic body plan in which the organism can be divided into similar halves by passing a plane at any angle along a central axis. Radial symmetry is a characteristic of sessile and bottom-dwelling animals, such as a starfish.
A rose plant contains gibberellins, which are any of a class of growth hormones occurring in fungi and plants. They are also involved in the natural process of breaking dormancy and various other aspects of germination.

Mutualism is a relationship between two species of organisms in which both benefit from the association. A butterfly can get pollen/nectar/scents from a flower while a flower can get fertilization and sexual reproduction from the butterfly.

A bee is a pollinator. A pollinator conveys pollen to the stigma of a flower. The bee then takes the pollen back to the hive where it is turned into nourishment.

This frog is used to his environment of ponds and wet grass areas. He took himself out of his familiar environment and found himself stuck in my window sill. Now he must adapt to his new habitat. This is called adaptation of an animal.

This plant demonstrates tropism. Tropism is an orientation of an organism to an external stimulus, as light, especially by growth rather than by movement.

A hermaphrodite is an organism that normally has both the male and female organs of generation.  Earthworms and plants are both examples.

Enzymes are proteins used by the body to increase or decrease the speed of chemical reactions. Though there are many different kinds of enzymes, we commonly think of digestive enzymes because they make it possible for our bodies to break down all the food that we eat. Nuts and seeds contain lipase, the enzyme that breaks down lipids (fats).

A rhizome is a stem of a plant that is usually found underground, often sending out roots and shoots from its nodes. If a rhizome is separated into pieces, each piece may be able to give rise to a new plant. This is a process known as vegetative reproduction and is used by farmers and gardeners to propagate certain plants. An example would be ginger from a ginger plant.

Glycogen is a branched polymer of glucose that is mainly produced in liver and muscle cells, and functions as secondary long-term energy storage in animal cells. If you are referring to foods that contain the largest amount of glycogen, then liver (beef, chicken, or pork) and muscle tissue (most cuts of meat) are the best sources.

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