Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hot Zone part 1

All I  have to say is wow.  This is a really good, if somewhat graphic book.  I love how suspenseful it is. For instance, when Nancy Jaax's glove broke, I couldn't stop reading! I was afraid she'd get ebola!  Glad she didn't, because it sounds like an awful way to die.  This book is also a little scary just because it's true.  Just knowing there is a virus like ebola or Marburg out there and we don't even know where is very scary.
    In the reading I learned what ebola and Marburg were.  I also learned a little about other viruses, such as AIDS.  I learned a lot about safety precautions taken when researching dangerous viruses, such as using "space suits" and working in negative air pressure areas so any leaks cause air to flow in, rather than sending contaminated air out into the world. I also learned why monkeys are used to research viruses.  I mean, I knew that monkeys were related to humans, but I didn't know we were so similar to monkeys that viruses have similar effects on both of us.
   There are still a lot of questions that I have. I want to know where the Marburg virus came from.  When
Johnson was doing his research in Kitum Cave, I was sure he'd find something.  I was shocked when he didn't.  If the virus doesn't live in Kitum Cave, then where does it come from? I also want to know how ebola gets to America.  The back of the book said that it shows up in Washington D.C. The disease is highly infectious, but so far in the book people have done a fairly good job of quarantining people who were sick to keep it from spreading.  If everyone is so careful, how does the disease leave the rain forest, cross an ocean, and take root on this continent? I guess the only way to find out is to keep reading :)


  1. I definetly agree with you on the suspenful aspect of this book. When I read about Nancy's glove breaking, I had to keep going to see what would happen.I was thinking about the travel of the virus too, and I have come to two conclusions. Animal shipments or virtually any shipment of any good could have carried the virus across the ocean. My other idea was that maybe there is a strain of every virus no matter where you go and can somehow be triggered to "come alive" I am excited to keep on reading too! 8)

  2. I was rather disappointed to learn that they hadn't located the virus's host in Kitum cave, especially after they seemed so sure they'd located its origins.

  3. I feel the same about the book geting suspenseful and how I couldn't stop reading after blood got into Nancy's glove. This book keeps getting better and better, I just want to keep reading and learn more about lethal viruses.


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