Friday, July 20, 2012

AP Bio Scavenger Hunt #3

Gametophyte: (woodland moss) In organisms (plants and some algae) that have alternation of generations, the multicellular haploid form that produces haploid gametes by mitosis. The haploid gametes, which contain only one set of chromosomes, unite and develop into sporophytes, which then makes cells of two sets of chromosomes. The moss shown here is in the gametophyte stage of life, which it is in for the majority of its life time, and enters the sporophyte stage when producing spores.

Sporophyte: (red flowering plant) In organisms (plants and some algae) that have alternation of generations, the multicellular diploid form that results form the union of gametes. The sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis that develop into gametophytes. This flowering plant spends almost of its life in the sporophyte stage except phases of small reproductive structures, such as the pollen and ovules.

Adaptation of a plant: (maple leaf) inherited characteristics of an organism that enhances its survival and reproduction in specific environments. This maple tree is adapted to the cold northern environment by growing large, thin leaves to capture the max amount of light during the warm seasons and is able to drop leaves to prevent water loss and snow from weighing down the tree during the winter.

Mating Behavior: (mated birds) These birds gather over their nest in the tree under the wire and protect the eggs in the nest. They mated early in the spring and now focus on feeding the chicks when they hatch and helping them through the delicate development until they are ready to leave the nest in the fall.

Lichen: (fir tree) composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner, usually either a green algae or cyanobacteria. This tree in my front yard has gobs of lichen covering its north face, not only on the trunk but on every branch. The lichen is shown here as the grey patches on the green bark.

Fermentation: (greek yogurt) a catabolic process that makes a limited amount of ATP from glucose without an electron transport train and that produces a characteristic end product, such as ethyl alcohol or lactic acid. Yogurt is the product of bacterial fermentation of milk,which produces lactic acid and acts on milk protein to give yogurt its tang and texture.

Hydrophobic: (dew drops on leaves) having an aversion to water; tending to coalesce and form water droplets. This is a photo of a water droplet on the cuticle layer of a plant, which is semi-hydrophobic.

Pollen: (pink flower) a fine to coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of seed plants, which produce the male gametes (sperm cells). This pink flower has produced bright yellow pollen, which attracts pollinators in order to spread the reproducing seed.

Territorial behavior: (dog) animals have a tendency to claim territory in order to safely breed, hunt and live without threats from rivals. Top predators such as lions and wolfs claim territory by marking by spraying odorous urine onto trees or bushes. This dog is spoiled and has his own house! But part of his territory includes this bone, which he is protecting from me, illustrating the territorial behavior of defense.

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