Friday, August 24, 2012

The Hot Zone:Part Four

I wasn't a big fan of part four. First off, why would you go in to a cave that you know people have gotten infected from? I do like, although a dumb idea, that the author made the part about going in to Kitum Cave interesting and stayed with his usual writing style. I didn't like the part where Preston went on the rant about HIV and AIDS, it seemed to be going on forever, and got boring. Overall, I think the book could have gone without part four but I still really enjoyed the book as a whole and would suggest it as a good read.


  1. I agree, part 4 seemed a little out of place and ending after part 3 would have been a much better ending.

  2. I also agree. I felt that Part Four was very boring in comparison to the rest of the book and it kinda felt like a drag to read on after all of the action that preceeded it in Part Three.


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