Friday, August 24, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 4 & Photos (5)

The Hot Zone Part 4
      Part 4 was a good ending to this very enjoyable book. Robin MacDonald was a very funny character. His, "Sir Bat Shit" calling made me laugh out loud while reading. I thought it was fitting for the author to end the book by bringing us to Kitum Cave. I found it interesting that there is a theory that elephants acutally carved Kitum cave. Speaking of elephants, poachers suck. That is cruel to use a machine-gun to kill thousands of elephants. It's terrible. 
      While the author was searching around Kitum Cave and came across water, It surprised me. I wonder if the water is stagnant and Ebola rests in those waters. I wonder if the splatter on the author's face shield when he exited the cave was water from when he threw the rock? Also it concerns me that there is a possibility of Ebola being transferred from insects deep in the cave to spiders to other organisms that are bitten by spiders when inside the cave. When the author re-visited the abandon monkey house and looked through the glass, It was reminiscent of all that happened inside those doors, especially when he noticed a brown hard substance on the ground. I wonder how long a filovirus CAN survive by itself; since Tom Geisbert tests showed Marburg can survive un-changed in water for 5 days, it grabs my attention. With that being said, I wonder if Ebola-Reston is still inside the monkey house, just waiting for monkeys to come inside? As the author said, "It will be back."
 Eukaryote- A Eukaryote is an organism with cells that contain complex structures within a membrane. There are 7 Kingdoms of Eukaryotes : Anamalia, Fungi, Amoebozoa, Plantae, Chromalveolata, Rhizaria, and Excavata. So a lot of things fall into the categorization of Eukaryotes, including this plant. 

 Mating Behavior- Through a little online research, Geese can be found to having unusual mating behaviors. Two males may find attraction in one another and form a homosexual relationship. During such a relationship, a female may come and join them, and easy become fertilized by one of the males. The threesome will continue to live together, all raising the same offspring.

 Heterotroph- A heterothroph is an organism that uses organic carbon to create energy; by consuming other organisms. Ducks consume small plants or animals for energy, making them heterotrophic.

 Phloem- Phloem is an inner layer within the stem of a plant that carries nutrients throughout the plant.

 Redox Reaction- The combustion of this piece of paper consists of redox reactions, or chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation state changed. This flame looked pretty cool so I made the photo extra-big.!

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