Sunday, August 26, 2012

Final Scavenger Hunt

Ovary- The base portion which hold ovules, which is in females and this is my cat who is a female.

Long Day Plant- Requires long days and short nights to flower (lettuce)

Parenchyma cells- cells that make food for plants that grow food. (oranges/orange trees)

Modifies root of a plant- stores water and nutrients (carrots)

Krebs cycle- anything that requires oxygen to survive (my sister/humans)

Eubacteria- means true bacteria and that is found in soil.

Glycogen- used to store energy. (noodles/pasta)

ATP- restores or gives energy (coffee)

Gibberlins- regulates growth and influences development (found in the stem of the plant)

Detritovore- uses organic waste as food source (bottom feeder fish)

Gametophyte-process of cell division (hard to tell but there is moss on the rock)

R-strategist- produces many offspring for higher chances of survival (spiders)

Homologous Structure- a structure passed down by the same ancestors (the bunny has a specific body structure that all bunnies has.)

Dominant vs recessive- most common genes compared to less common genes (i have green eyes which are more common and my sister has blue eyes which are the less common trait)

Hydrophilic- sugar dissolves in water.

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