Friday, August 24, 2012

Hot Zone: Part Four

Now that the interesting and exciting stuff parts of the book are done, the final part was pretty boring to me. But, I did like how the author of the book went into Kitum Cave by himself. It's amazing that he was able to survive going in there without catching the virus, and he was able to write all about it. I still have suspicions of the virus being hidden somewhere in that cave. In this part of the book, I learned that the Marburg virus can last five days unchanged, if it is water. That is a really long time for any virus to live, and it is a really scary thought knowing how powerful of a virus it is. Are they ever going to be able to come up with a cure for all of these horrible viruses? Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.

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