Friday, August 24, 2012

The Hot Zone: Part 4

So, as usual, I would like to start out by saying that when Robin was speaking swahili to his men asking if there were any lions around, and his man answered, " Hakuna simba," honestly all I could think about was "Hakuna matata" and simba from the lion king...
But anyways, I thought Robin's character was very funny and interesting to read about in these last couple  of chapters left of the book. He made me laugh with almost everything he said and did, especially when he spat corn and his fillings out of the car and threw his corn at his wife's jeep. Who does that!?
I also liked how they talked about Monet again! It was kind of gross and scary when the author was wondering if all those insects coming out of Kitum Cave were caring the virus or not. It must have been really scary to venture into Kitum Cave again, possibly knowing that he could get a deadly strand of virus! I'd be terrified if it were me!
It was very cool hearing how elephants pull away rocks and stone for salt. I never knew that they did that and that that could be how Kitum Cave was formed! That's very interesting!
At one point in the book, this was probably one of my favorite quote from the whole book because I laughed so hard, "Momentarily and unaccountably, I wondered what the bat guano would taste like. I thrust away this thought. It was the mind's mischief. You should avoid eating shit when you are in Level 4." I thought this was so funny, yet very gross that he would even think about that! Especially knowing how contaminated it is!
Something else interesting I learned is that Marburg can last a long time even when the virus is not "fresh". If left sitting out in water for 5 days it's apparently just as lethal. That's a very scary thought.
I ultimately enjoyed how the book ended. The whole," It will be back," was very dramatic! It really makes you think about what if an outbreak of some hot zone virus happened in our city or something along those lines. I also found it interesting how he tied most of the viruses together in the end, including AIDS! All in all it was very well written and an enjoyable read(even if it was quite grotesque at times), but other than that it was great!

1 comment:

  1. Lhea you're so funny! But everything that you mentioned is what stood out to me too. Bat crap? I don't think so. And going back to a cave probably soaked with virus? Not my idea of fun. And yes, the book was disturbingly descriptive.


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