Friday, August 24, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 4
 To be honest, I was rather disappointed in the ending of this book. The fact that the researchers found something in the cave, but it doesn't say what is really annoying. I love cliffhangers as much as the next person, but this wasn't something I enjoyed. I kept wondering: 'if it might contain the virus, why would you expose yourself to it?' It doesn't seem smart... Aside from that, I thought the last line in the story was clever: 'It will be back.' I do a lot of writing myself and two of the stories I wrote ends with something similar. I like endings when they can be picked back up and have a continuation/sequel. It keeps the reader intrigued and guessing. What I learned most from this book is that someways, destruction doesn't come in the form of guns and war, but come in microscopic packages, ready to strike at any moment. It's scary as well as interesting to know that something so small can have as huge a part in the destruction of something as a war would. My main question I have is what happens next? And not just with the book, but if something similar happened elsewhere in the world, what would happen next?


  1. I wish they would have ended the book better or maybe at the end put an alternate ending. I think if something were to happen like that in the U.S., all heck might break loose.

  2. Destruction comes in many ways. There are just some that we can help and some that we cant. i do agree though that its incredibly scary that something so small can be so powerful.


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