Friday, August 24, 2012

Hot Zone: Part 4

After reading this part of the book i thought to myself that the book would have ended better if this part wasn't in it. This part of the book had an weird feeling to it, it's almost a feeling of deja vu since he goes back to the beginning of the virus. I was worried that Preston would become infected with the virus at first but later that feeling went away. What I got out of the ending was that viruses will always be around us in different shapes and sizes, and i feel like the book has a deeper meaning . I think what the book was trying to say was that as humans we are a threat to our planet and viruses are around us to wipe us away and keep it safe.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I feel like the book made me look at the world a little differently. Since so many species are endangered and going extinct due to mistakes that humans are making, the remaining ones are doing what they feel they have to in order to survive. Which for them includes infecting the human race with lethal viruses that we have yet to find cures for in an effort to keep our planet safe and the ecosystem working properly.


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