Friday, August 24, 2012

scavenger hunt 8

Bees and flowers are a great example of mutualism they both rely on each other to live. 
These mushrooms are an example of basidiomycete it is found in fungi like this.

This is a picture of lichen on a tree in my front yard you can find lichen virtually anywhere you look.

These leaves are a prime example of the Calvin cycle the leaves use photosynthesis to transfer sugar into the tree.

This is my dog and she just happens to shed all over the place which is  an adaptation of an animal

This is my hand we cannot see it but there are unicellular organisms all over called bacteria.

Ants and trees are a great example of coevolution, the ant uses the tree as food and shelter and they tree has protection from other organisms from the ants. 

This is a gymnosperm cone

This is an example of gymnosperm leaves.

This is a picture of flowers about to sprout this is the part of the plant that uses auxin, a growth hormone.

This is a good example of genetic variation within a population.

Grapes have a good amount of gibberellins in them this helps them grow

Ethylene is used in fruit to ripen them faster.

This is a big plant an example of autotroph.

I have a tissue box in this picture to show that whenever someone gets a cold it is a parasite attacking your body.

This is my skin or as some people call it epithelial tissue

This is my mother humans are a great example of bilateral symmetry.

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