Hermaphrodite- an organism with both female amd male reproductive organs
Asexual Reproduction- reproduction that only requires one organism, and one reproductive system
A worm is an example of both of these
Prokaryote- bacteria, which can be found on hands, is an example of a prokaryote, which is a single celled organism, which has a nucleus that is not membrane bound
Dominant vs. Recessive Phenotype- my mom has a more dominant phenotype than my father, as i recieved all of her physical traits, and barley any from my dad
Redox Reaction- a reaction in which a form of oxidation occurs, changing the chemical state of the object, an example of this is rust
Tropism- the turning of all or part of an organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus, in this case, the stems of this plant move the direction of the sunlinght falling into the window daily
Radial Symmetry- symmetry in which the organism can be divided into even parts about a central circle, one example of this in an animal is a starfish
Predation- the preying of one species apon another, in this case ham is made from pigs, which are manufactured by humans, and made into various products for us to eat
Population- multiple species living within the same community, which is shown in this picture by four different kinds of plants living in the same garden
Parasitism- one species living and recieving benefits from a host species, while harming the host in the process, shown in this picture by the fungi growing on the tree trunk
Spore- typically one-celled, reproductive unit capable of creating a new individual without sexual fusion, shown here by this mushroom
Niche- the area suitible for sustaining life for an organism in, while that orgainisms specific niche/job is carried out, a bedroom is the area in which the job of a human is to sleep

Modified Leaf of a Plant- these evergreen leafs are adapted with needles to last through harsh cold months as well as the warm months
Homeostasis- when the body has a tendancy to remain at an equilibrium, and does so by different processes, one example of this is when something is bothering your body inside your nose, your body produces a sneeze
Heterotroph- organisms that cannot manufacture their own food and get food and energy by taking in organic substances, usually plant or animal matter. All animals, some plants, as shown here, protozoans, fungi, and most bacteria are heterotrophs.
Part Four
In the end, I really enjoyed this book. It took a while in the begining for me to get interested, but once I got past the first 100 pages or so I was hooked. Part four was my favorite, because although it was shorter than other sections, it came back to the origin of the story at Kitum Cave. However, I did not like how the story ended leaving so many questions unanswered. Some specifically reguarding the Ebola virus, like what can cure it, what causes it, and will it ever make a return in the world?
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