Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Hot Zone Part One

This book both scares me, and makes me sick to my stomach. The worst part for me was when Dr. Musoke's hands became "greasy with black curd", which made me have to put down the book. However, as the book progressed, my sickness lessened, and I got used to it. One part that scares me is how they kept putting the people suffering from an unknown disease on airplanes to hospitals in other nations, therefore risking spreading the disease to other nations, and possibly causing a global pandemic.

I was heavily relieved when I found out Nancy Jaax would survive. However, I am not sure that the things racing through her mind when she thought she would die: going to the bank, paying the babysitter, etc., would be going through my mind, however, I am not a parent, like Nancy Jaax is, so we would most likely think differently.

My question is how did the United States acquire the blood of Nurse Mayinga and Peter Cardinal?
Was the blood acquired legally and morally?
Were there others trying to get the blood, and if there were, was it a "fight to the finish" for the blood?
Was espionage used to acquire the blood?


  1. Bryson! I felt the exact same way about the book and your first question is the pretty much the same as mine.

  2. The disease is asking to be spread when you put an obviously infected person onto a plane. I also ponder these questions of how the blood was shipped without possibly infecting more people.

  3. Bryson,I thought the same thing about the book. The novel was disturbing at first, but then I grew to become interested in it and wanted to learn more about lethal viruses. My questions are similar to yours and I think we are on the same page of thinking about this novel.

  4. Bryson, I can understand why the book scares you. I personally think its really interesting.

    1. I agree, the book scares me as well, but eventually becomes interesting. Though there are very gruesome details in the book, I find it very intriguing. Once I progressed in my reading, it bacame hard to stop reading the book.


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