Friday, July 27, 2012

Fourth Scavenger Hunt Posting

 Population: A community of animals, plants, or humans among whose members interbreeding occurs
 R- Strategist: are types of animals that live in unstable environments. R- strategist characteristics include: high fecundity, small body size, early maturity onset, short generation time, and the ability to disperse offspring widely. A bass is a perfect example.
Niche: a place or position in something. An African Elephants’ niche is to defoliate areas by stripping trees of bark with its trunk.
 Heterotroph: A heterotroph is a species that can not form its own food. A giraffe is an example because it needs to eat plants in order to survive.
Fermentation: process of this kind involved in which sugars are converted to ethyl alcohol. The bottle holds the wine during the process in which the sugar is changing into alcohol.

Territorial Behavior: Animals that defend territories in this way are referred to as territorial. Kobe is territorial because he barks every time someone comes near his family.
 Glycogen: a multibranched polysaccharide that serves as a form of energy storage in animals and fungi. Glycogen is stored in potatoes.

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