Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 1

This book is disgusting.  It is extremely descriptive, especially when it comes to the "black vomit" part.  I think it was Monet who was dying when it said that he was on an airplane and he filled the air-sickness bag to the brim with black vomit and then handed it to the flight attendant.  That is really gross.  I am interested to see what species Ebola comes from and how it "jumps" from host to host.  I learned that I never want to be infected with Ebola because it completely transforms you.  The book said that you get this expressionless look on your face and I wouldn't want to die by bleeding out of every pore or opening that I have and I wouldn't want to die without mentally "being there" to say goodbye to my family and friends.  And I also feel really bad for those poor monkeys.  :(

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, i would never want to be infected with Ebola either, sounds like such a painful death...


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