Friday, August 10, 2012

The Hot Zone: Part Three

Part three of The Hot Zone is very interesting but confusing at times.  When I read about Rhonda Williams and the little incident when a monkey chased her with an infected needle I was not sure if it actually happened or if it was just a bad dream.  I was glad to hear that so far the Ebola Reston has not caused any human fatalities at least none that we know about.  It was also very interesting to learn that all the monkey caretakers at that facility were infected but were otherwise healthy and showed no symptoms.  It was also scary to think that the Ebola virus most likely started with only one infected monkey and that it spread on from there.  Some questions still linger like:  Why wasn't the Ebola Reston virus deadly in humans? Could there be more forms of the Ebola virus that we don't know about?  Are we any closer to finding a cure against the Ebola viruses?

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