Friday, August 10, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 3

This part of the book has probably been the hardest for me to think about what I want to write about.  I guess I'll start off with that I think it's interesting that the washington post downplayed the whole things about the monkeys actually having Ebola. I really feel conflicted about this because I can't decide if it was a good thing that they didn't write about how dangerous the situation could have been in order to not cause a panic, or if they should have told the truth. My question towards that would be If they hadn't of downplayed the situation, what would have actually happened?(probably a huge panic, but it still would be interesting to find out).
I did however think it was super smart that they found a way to put on their special suits for handling level 4 hot agents without being seen by possible photographers.( I would be so scared to go inside that monkey house! Really freaky stuff!) I also thought it was cool they brought back Kitum Cave in this part. While reading part two I kept thinking "what ever happened to that whole idea?"
When they talk about how Ebola causing your internal lining of your body to pretty much split....just ew! Do they really have to bring that up ALL the time?! It's so gross haha! Nancy Jaax has my utmost respect!(She rocks!)
I learned that the symptoms of Ebola can seem just like any common cold at first(or flu like symptoms) I thought that was scary. Now whenever I get sick I'm going to ask my mom "do you think I could have Ebola?"(haha...)
Near the end of Part 3 I thought it was cool they showed the 17,000 times magnification of what Ebola looks like! That part was probably my face(since this part of the book wasn't my favorite so far.) And now the "three sisters" have a 4th! Creepy.
Now, the end may seem kind of anti-climactic, but I actually LOVED how the author worded it. the whole last chapter just caught my attention the most(especially the last paragraph.) It's a scary thought that ONE monkey could do so much damage. So far I have definitely learned that viruses are NOT to be messed with. :)!

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually kind of upset that the ending won't be climactic, I was expecting it from the beginning but I guess I was wrong.


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