Friday, August 24, 2012

The Hot Zone: Part 4 Post

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It's not often that I am made to read a book in school that I actually can't put down. The whole story was very intriguing and kept me on edge on every page. The last part of the book definately wasn't my favorite, although I did like how the book started with and ended with adventures in Kitum Cave. It gave the story a warm sense of closer. It does, however, drive me insane that there were so many unanswered questions lingering in my head. Is it possible that Ebola may someday return? Will the monkeys continue to be studied even though they have been put through hell? Will Kitum Cave ever be closed off for safety measures or will it remain as is for research and  tourists? These are just some of the questions that we may never know the answers to. I hope I encounter another story similar to this one that may expand more on the ideas and unanswered questions about the Hot Zone.


  1. I definitely agree with you. The ending wasn't the best part of the story because of all the unanswered questions. I wish the scientists and researchers would close off Kitum Cave for public safety and research because the Ebola carrier is in the cave somewhere. I bet it's the spiders! Darn those spiders!

    1. I totally agree. School books aren't usually the best, but this book was good. I too had the trouble of finding it hard to put the book down. I think your questions are really good as well.

  2. I felt the same exact way with not wanting to put the book down. The Hot Zone was rather very intersting and exciting. Some of the same questions popped up in my head while reading. I also liked how it ended with the Kitum Cave involved.


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