Saturday, August 18, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Succession - The steps of rehabilitation that an environment goes through after a disturbance. This patch of ground was dug up and the grass is finally starting to grow back.

R-Strategist - Short life spans, rapid growth, many offspring, such as weeds.

Dominant vs.  Recessive Phenotype - Where the traits differentiate, such as physical appearance like color.

Long Day Plant - Flowers only after being exposed to light periods longer than a critical length as in the summer.

Adaptation of a plant - This plant has adapted to it's surrounding by growing over the sides of the pot and wrapping around the railing.

Autotroph - An organism that's able to form organic substances from inorganic substances like carbon dioxide.

Stigma and Style of Carpel - The stigma is the sticky tip of the pistil and the style is the part o the female reproductive structure in the carpel of a flower.

Altruistic Behavior - Where an organism works for the population and growth of the the said organism. Such as the ants, they all work together to get food to allow growth of their population.

Xylem - The vascular tissue in plants that conducts water and dissolved nutrients upward from the root and also helps to form the woody element in the stem.

Enzyme - A substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.

Lipid - Compounds that are made of fatty acids and are insoluble in water, such as oils.

Connective Tissue - Tissue that connects, binds, or separates other tissues or organs.

Endotherm - Any animal that can generate heat by metabolism or any organism that is warm blooded.

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