Saturday, August 18, 2012

6 Pic- Scavenger Hunt

Parasitism (Number 39)
In this picture is a dead mosquito. A mosquito it apart of parasitism because
the mosquito (which is called a parasite) benefits at the expense of another organism usually of different species. The mosquito is benefiting off of the human flesh.

Detritovore (Number 40)
In this picture, my boyfriend is holding a worm, which is a detritovore. It is a detritovore because
it is an organism that feeds on organic waste.

Adaptation of a Plant (Number 41)
In this picture is grassland and is an example of adaptation of a plant. Plants are made to have adaptations to hep them grow and survive in different areas.

Adaptaion of a Plant (Number 42)
In this picture is apart of a pond area/water and is another example of adaptaion of a plant.
 Plants are made to have adaptations to hep them grow and survive in different areas.

Meristem (Number 43)
In this picture is a stem of a pepper. A meristem is an undifferentiated tissue from which new cells are formed, as at the tip of a stem or root.

CAM Plant (Number 44)
In this picture is a pineapple, and is an example of a CAM plant. It is a CAM plant because pineapples are adapted to life in arid conditions by conserving water.

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