Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Auxin Producing Area of a Plant
This picture depicts the auxin [producing area of a plant] which is a plant hormone on the tip of the stem.  The auxin is made by plants in areas where a new shoot or root is growing, as shown here, and it causes the plant to present photo tropism along with other vital functions.
Fermentation is a metabolic procedure in which an organism changes carbohydrates into an acid or alcohol.  In the process of making yogurt the bacteria performs fermentation by changing carbohydrates into lactic acid.
The endosperm is part of a seed that performs as a food store for the growing plant embryo, usually providing it with starch, protein and other nutrients.  There are traces of endosperm on this wheat bread.
Detritivores, such as earthworms, are organisms that feed on and break down organic waste [dead plants or animals].  In the process they return crucial nutrients back to into the ecosystem.
Tropism is the involuntary bending or turning movement of an organism, like this plant, toward or away from an external stimulus like light.  This plant is bending downward and away from the sun.

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