Friday, August 17, 2012

Scavenger hunt 7

This is my dog kate. When i  came close to here bed she was growling this is an example of territorial behavior 
1. This is me holding a bass, I am an endothermic animal i am warm blooded. 2. Fish are cold blooded or ectothermic this means that there body temperature is the same as there surroundings 

This is my eyelash and it has no use... Which makes it a vestigial structure.  A vestigial structure is a structure that has no purpose or function

This is a picture of a tree that drops seeds all the time in little bean like packages this is an example of  seed dispersal 

This is a picture of a bee this bee is a pollinator 

This is the inside structure of the stem or a phloem 

this is a flower it is an example of a prokaryote 

I took a picture of this spider because spiders our a great example of r-strategist structure. 

This is a picture of my mom she is a human. Human are k strategist structures.
This is a bottle of wine it is a great example of fermentation it turns from grapes into wine.

This is a picture of a C4 plant corn is a C4 plant because they are more adapted to there environment with more oxygen.
Rice is a genetically modified organism. this rice is enhanced to be more healthy

This is a picture of some mushrooms they are also known as sporophyte 

my cartilage is an example of a connective tissue

these are popcorn seeds and a good example of endosperm

my spit is an example of an enzyme it helps dissolve and break down are food.

This picture of Canola oil is an example of a hydrophilic item 

Its hard to see a spider web in this picture but the spiders sit by the light and catch various insects because thy know they are attracted to the light this is an example of predation

This is rice, rice is a c3 plant. it is more adapted to the environment with carbon.

This is a picture of salt and pepper they have the plant hormone ethylene in them.

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