Friday, August 24, 2012

Hot Zone Pt.4

I feel like the last part of the reading wasn't really necessary to be included in the book. It wasn't relevant to the whole story. It doesn't build on to what happened in Reston, but rather take us into 3 years in the future, to talk about the author's adventures to the possible origin of the virus. I learned how the viruses like AIDS was able to spread so fast when the Kinshasa highway was built and that there are two strands of HIV. There was also some small facts about AIDS that I learned about such as 90% of prostitutes have AIDS and 30% of the people in the vicinity of Mt. Elgon have AIDS. Finally I learned that AIDS is a fast mutator and people infected by it usually die with multiple strains in them.
My only question was why was AIDS the new focus of this section instead focusing more on the Ebola viruses

1 comment:

  1. I didn't really care for this section either...It really didn't seem necessary.


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