Friday, August 24, 2012

A.P. Biology Scavenger Hunt Final 10 Photos

A.P. Biology Scavenger Hunt
August 23
(10 Photos)
Eubacteria: With the exception of archaebacteria, Eubacteria literally means true bacteria. This soil contains eubacteria.
Epithelial Tissue: membranous tissue that covers internal organs and other internal surfaces on the body. Skin is an example of epithelial tissue.
Frond: often large, but finely divided leaf, applied especially to ferns and specific palms. This fern has this.
Ovary: ovary produces ovules that wait to be fertilized by pollen from another flower; an ovary's function is to hold reproductive egg cells. These flowers each have an ovary.
Gametophyte: a multicellular phase in a plants life cycle. Moss is a common phase in a plants life cycle; hence  it's a gametophyte.
Gibberellins: A group of hormones of plants that stimulate stem elongation and flowering. Grapes are gibberellins because it has these characteristics.
Genetically Modified Organism: Bananas that we eat have been modified genetically to not have seeds; hence it is a genetically modified organism.
Glycogen: generally used to store energy; foods that contain a lot of carbs happen to have some glycogen.
Enzyme: a substance that changes the activity of an action; it's like a type of catalyst. It might change the speed of the reaction, yet it doesn't effect the actual enzyme. Animal rennet is an example of this.
Ethylene: a plant hormone, but unlike others plant hormones it's a gas. During the ripening process, ethylene is released in some foods such as tomatoes.

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