Friday, August 3, 2012

A.P. Bio Scavenger Hunt August 3, 2012

A.P. Bio Scavenger Hunt
August 3, 2012
Lipid used for energy storage: A fatty or waxy organic compound that is really soluble in nonpolar solvent. Olive oil is an example of this because animals can use it to store energy in their bodies.
C4 Plant: A plant where CO2 is first fixed into a four carbon atoms compound before it enters into the Calvin Cycle of Photosynthesis. Corn is a C4 Plant.
 Genetic Variation within a population: Several organisms within a population have changes do to a series of gene differences. Color is one of these variations. It is vital like natural selection, yet happens by chance unlike natural selection. This plant have at least two different colored flowers, therefore it is a genetic variation within a population.
Parasitism: A form of symbiosis in which one organism (parasite) benifits at the expense of another organism usually of different species (host). The process might hurt the host... These holes in the leaf are the effects from a parasite and parasitism.
Niche: the specific area in which an organism inhabits. Sammy, my neighbors dog, inhabits their house. This means that her niche is in their home. :)

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