Friday, August 3, 2012

25 pictures for the scavenger hunt.

I have sent an email to explain.

Littoral Zone Organism
The littoral zone is the part of a sea, lake or river that is close to the shore. Ducks hang out around that area.

ATP is the major source of energy for cellular reactions. The people walking are using ATP.


An endotherm is a animal that can generate internal heat; a warm-blooded animal.

Adaptation of an Animal
Adaptation of an animal is what an animal has done to help it survive.

An autotroph is an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple or inorganic substances such as CO2

Adaptation of a plant
An adaptation of a plant is what a plant has done to help it survive. In this case the plant has in a a way created a type of draining system to help the water get to the stem quicker.

Taxis is an innate behavioral response by an organism to a directional stimulus or gradient of stimulus intensity.

An endotherm is an animal that can generate internal heat; a warm-blooded animal.

Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration is the series of metabolic processes by which living cells produce energy through the oxidation of organic substances.

Hydrophilic is a molecule or other molecule or other molecular entity that is attracted to, and tends to be dissolved by water.

Hydrophilic is a molecule or other molecule or other molecular entity that is attracted to, and tends to be dissolved by water.

C3 Plant

C3 plants account for more than 95% of earth's plant species, use rubisco to make a three-carbon compound as the first stable product of carbon fixation. C3 plants flourish in cool, wet, and cloudy climates, where light levels may be low, because the metabolic pathway is more energy efficient, and if water is plentiful, the stomata can stay open and let in more carbon dioxide. However, carbon losses through photorespiration are high.

C3 Plant
C3 plants account for more than 95% of earth's plant species, use rubisco to make a three-carbon compound as the first stable product of carbon fixation. C3 plants flourish in cool, wet, and cloudy climates, where light levels may be low, because the metabolic pathway is more energy efficient, and if water is plentiful, the stomata can stay open and let in more carbon dioxide. However, carbon losses through photorespiration are high.

It is a colorless flammable gas derived from natural gas and petroleum and used as a source of many organic compounds, in welding and cutting metals, to color citrus fruits, and as an anesthetic.

C4 Plant
C4 plants possess biochemical and anatomical mechanisms to raise the intercellular carbon dioxide concentration at the site of fixation, and this reduces, and sometimes eliminates, carbon losses by photorespiration. C4 plants, which inhabit hot, dry environments, have very high water-use efficiency, so that there can be up to twice as much photosynthesis per gram of water as in C3 plants, but C4 metabolism is inefficient in shady or cool environments. Less than 1% of earth's plant species can be classified as C4.

Modified Leaf of a Plant
A normal leaf is assigned some specific functions i.e. Photosynthesis and transpiration. When a leaf is performing some functions other than these two then it needs to have some structural changes in itself. The leaves which are performing these additional functions having changed their looks are called as modified leaves.

Long-Day Plant
A long-day plant is a plant that flowers only after being exposed to light periods

It is a colorless flammable gas derived from natural gas and petroleum and used as a source of many organic compounds, in welding and cutting metals, to color citrus fruits, and as an anesthetic.

CAM Plant
A CAM plant is any plant that undergoes a form of photosynthesis known as crassulacean acid metabolism, in which carbon dioxide is taken up only at night.

Any of various members of a large group of fungi bearing sexually produced spores on a basidium. The group includes puffballs, shelf fungi, rusts, and mushrooms.

The mycelium is the vegetative body of fungi: a mass of branching filaments (hyphae) that spread throughout the nutrient substratum

Any of a group of plant hormones that stimulate stem elongation, germination, and flowering.

Fermentation is a chemical reaction in which a ferment causes an organic molecule to split into simpler substances, esp the anaerobic conversion of sugar to ethyl alcohol by yeast.

Hydrophobic things tend to repel or fail to mix with water. 

Fermentation is a chemical reaction in which a ferment causes an organic molecule to split into simpler substances, esp the anaerobic conversion of sugar to ethyl alcohol by yeast.

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