Friday, July 27, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 2

What did you think?
I still think that this book is very good and can hold the readers attention well. 

What did you learn?
I learned more about what the different types of viruses look like and how differentiate between different types of viruses. I also learned what people have to do when they think they found a level 4 virus.

How many people who worked or going to be working in the monkey house will die? How many monkeys are still alive? Is Ebola actually able to travel through the air?( since there was some controversy over it in the book between some of the people)


  1. I didnt have any questions but after reading the questions you have. You left me wondering also.I guess we will find out the answers in Part three.

  2. Interesting, I kind of had the same questions- especially about how Ebola travels. I wonder if it still exists today and if there is a cure for it? I also have no idea how they could tell the difference between Marburg and Ebola because they kind of look the same under a microscope...

  3. Good questions! I had some of the same questions myself. I was very surprised that none of the animal keepers came down with the virus or died considering that Zaire is the deadliest. I think it said in the book that the infected blood has to be vapor (aerosol) and it has to be inhaled directly into the lungs to make it an airborne infection. I hope that answers your question! :D

  4. I agree that the procedures of Level Four Hot Zone Research labs is interesting in itself. So much precaution is necessary that it must be easy to screw up.


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