Friday, July 27, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 2

I found this part of the book more fast paced and more enjoyable to read.  Now that they are done explaining how grusome the disease is (or maybe I'm just more used to it), I can actually focus on come of the cool things they are doing in the labs.  I think it is so interesting how little they actually know about Ebola.  Some of them have basicallt been dedicating their lives to learning about and discovering this virus, yet they do not have much concrete information on it.  I find the procedure that the Army and CDC have to follow during an putbreak so interesting.  It is so extensive, but I completely understand why.  I am still nervous that the two people who sniffed the samples are going to become infected.  I am also wondering if and when they will figure out how the virus spreads and if they can stop it.  I'm really looking forward to getting my questions answered and learning new things!

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