Sunday, July 8, 2012

Post #1 (plus please reference enzyme posted BEFORE I had any idea of what I was doing!)

Parasitism - see the little white fluffies sucking the life out of my mother's jasmine plant.
Parasitism is a type of non-mutual relationship where one organism benefits from the relationship and the other organism is harmed.

Connective tissue - aka Achilles tendon!
Connective tissue holds pieces of an organism together.

Lycopodium! Moss spores.
Spores are reproductive structures.

Living in symbiosis and Lichen it!
Lichen are composite organisms that consist of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner (plant).

 Bilateral symmetry of a Japanese painted fern
Bilateral symmetry is where one plane will divide an organism into rough mirror image halves.

Endotherm - my mom's hot hand.
 Endotherm is an organism that produces heat through internal means such as shivering or increasing metabolism.

Shiny cuticle layer of a hosta.
Cuticle layer of a plant is a non-cellular protective layer covering the outer cell layer.

Predation - see the shimmer of the spider's web above. Just waiting for a juicy fly to land...
 Predation is a biological interaction where a predator feeds on it's prey.

Animal with segmented body - our dog has a spine.
Animal with a segmented body is a animal that has body parts
that have repetitive segments, such as a spine in a vertebrate.

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