Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hot Zone Reading Parrt 1

Reading the Hot Zone opened up my eyes to another world and what can happen in the blink of an eye, or in this case the replicating of a virus.  It sounds like a terrible ordeal to go through the Marburg and Ebola viruses.  The things that happen to someone that has contracted the virus sounds terrible, I wouldn't wish this virus on my worst enemy.  The things that happen to someone suffering the bug is ridiculous.  The skin seperating away from the body and then bleeding out from this?  That would be the worst thing in the world, not to mention vomitting blood with black specks in it for hours on end.  I would rather die a quick death than suffer through these viruses.  I learned of a new way to die a gruesome death, and also how highly secure the facilities holding these viruses are is simply amazing.  The world a virus lives in and how it operates so intricately is also amazing.
My question is this, would such a devastating virus be able to change its route or mode of transportation?  What if the ebola virus suddenly was able to transport itself through the air instead of direct contact of blood?
How would this end up affecting our society?


  1. It would affect our society by wiping out 90% of the population, or whatever the fatality rate is.

  2. I agree with Ryan on this, it would be the most devastating thing to happen to society. It would be like the Black plague except with a larger population, it's hard to imagine.

  3. The ebola virus can travel through the air, because of the two healthy control monkeys that randomly got sick without being in contact of the blood.


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