Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 1

     So, I'd just like to start off by saying this book is really gross! It just leaves a gory, bloody, blah image in my head! When Monet was bleeding out on the floor of the Nairobi hospital was just gruesome to read. And poor Dr. Musoke! Nobody wants deadly virus thrown up into their mouth and eyes....that's just disgusting! I don't think anybody really wants to bleed out of every part of their body.
     I did like how when Monet got onto the plane they used the "net" example. How he was just a ticking time bomb about to spread the virus to many people all over the world! Pretty scary stuff! I can't even imagine being the person sitting next to him on that plane when he was vomiting and bleeding all over the place. I probably would have been sick myself.
     This will also seem a little immature, but I think in the first chapter when they were explaining how Monet only had "lady friends" I honestly laughed. The quote that actually made me laugh was, "He gave money to his women friends, and they, in return, were happy to love him." It just struck me as funny no matter how immature it is!
    I didn't know about the term used in the book where they explain what "virus amplified" is. I had never heard of it until I started reading it. It comes up loads of times too, obviously. With Monet, the monkeys that had the Marburg virus, and others. I just thought it was an interesting way to explain the stages a virus goes through.
   I liked how they put emphasis on how when someone infected with the Ebola virus gets cut, they don't stop bleeding like a hemophiliac. That would be really scary. Also, It's scary to think that these people died really painfully. Bleeding out of every organ in your body is pretty extreme, especially when nobody had any way of helping them.
    Also something I learned that I had never heard of before was when they talked about "filovirus" meaning thread virus. I just thought that excerpt in the "Diagnosis" chapter was interesting. Also, finding out that Marburg is the MILDEST filovirus(when they were talking about the three sister viruses), was really scary. The symptoms just sound plain awful...
   Oh! And lastly, just as an end note, I thought it was really scary when they were talking about how the virus wants to turn you INTO the a virus itself, hence why it is deteriorating your body. That's just so creepy to think about. Grooooossss!!!!!!!!!!
    I honestly don't have any questions at the moment. The book is really good at answering them for me already. I'll read something and think "Hmm, what's that?," and the next sentence answers that question for me. So, at the time being I can't think of anything much! I guess we'll have to wait until Part 2 for that!


  1. The part where they talked about how the virus wanted your cells to become the virus' cells really creeped me out too.

  2. We already talked about this, so I'm just saying this book is good, but grosses me out. AH!


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