Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hot Zone Part One

   When I began reading this book, I was a tad disturbed with the gruesome details. At times I would have to discontinue my reading due to the great detail in the book. One detail in the book that made me cringe was when Monet was being treated at the Nairobi Hospital by Dr. Musoke, and Dr. Musoke got Monet's vomit in his mouth. Even though the details in this book make me uncomfortable, as I continued my reading, the book became more bearable. I now enjoy reading and find it difficult to stop reading.
   My main question is, why would hospitals continue to send deathly ill patients on airplanes by themselves. I feel the hospital should privately ship the patients to another hospital rather than exposing the virus to people all over the world. This could possibly cause the human population to decline rapidly which could potentially result in extinction. My other question is, is there anyway anyone can remain safe from this deadly virus?

1 comment:

  1. My thought on why they were allowed to fly was because they weren't exactly certain as to what illness the patients were experiencing. I believe the doctors thought most of the patients had malaria, which wouldn't be a major issue to fly with, but Ebola, on the other hand, would be a major issue. And to the other question: I, personally, believe the only way to be protected is to be in thh little spacesuits. Otherwise, you're correct there is basically no protection.


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