Friday, July 13, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 1

At first I did not want to read this book. However, after getting a little bit farther throughout the reading I became interested. The descriptions of the Marburg and Ebola viruses are very detailed and interesting. Before reading this book, I knew nothing about the Ebola virus, and I did not even know Marbug virus existed. The fact that when one contracts Ebola they begin to bleed from every orifice in the body is quite disturbing, along with the black blood vomit. Also, I learned a lot about the marburg virus and how it can cause burns that are similar to radiation burns. The kill rates of each strain of Ebola are ridiculous as well, such as the Ebola Sudan strain which is a 50% kill rate. My only question is that is there a possibility for Ebola to mutate and become airborne in the near future or ever?

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't interested in reading the book at first either, with it being summer and all. Once you get started though you definitely realize that it is not as bad as you think and that it is rather intriguing. I also had no idea that there was even such a thing as Marburg virus....and I didn't know much anything of Ebola. I had no idea how severe and scary it was. The black vomit and bleeding was disturbing to me as well! I thought that was probably the worst part to experience. I also was grossed out when they discussed the tip of the tongue burning off in the process and how painful that can be. I could not even grasp that happening! I don't remember reading about it burning. A 50% kill rate it horrible. I asked that question myself! I wonder if they still have it contained in the United States or if anyone has it at the moment?


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