Friday, August 10, 2012

The Hot Zone Part Three

To be honest, I really didn't care much for this part of the book. I was expecting a more epic climax in the story. The fact that this section was less graphically disturbing kind of bored me. It was less exciting to read and I found that it took me longer to read because of this. What intrigued me was that Ebola Reston could be found in a humans blood and survive, yet it didn't cause any health issues. The main question I have is: what if the Ebola had another strain (due to a change in its genetic make up) that would be deadly to humans if it was in their blood stream? It would be interesting as well as scary if that twist would have taken place.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that this part of the book was very boring and it is kind of nerve racking knowing that this disease could take place in our bodies and we would never really know.


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