Friday, August 10, 2012

The Hot Zone- Part Three

      In my opinion, part three was not as disturbing as part one and two. I really enjoyed part three becaus it kept me entertained and wanted me to keep reading. One thing I am very surprised about is Jarling and Geisbert surving this type of virus. When I was handed The Hot Zone, I didn't think it would be all that interesting, but I am really starting to enjoy it and part three is my favorite so far.
      I keep learning more and more things when I read The Hot Zone. One is that there are several different types of viruses and they can all affect you in a different type of way. Also, there are many "sisters" of viruses. For example, there are different types of Ebola. I learned sometimes you can easily get rid of a virus, by your body or medication taking care of it or you sometimes can not get rid of the virus and it can be very deadly. I also learned that viruses can spread through secretions, air, or blood. The Hot Zone has taught me quite a lot of things.
      Questions that I still have are how did the monkeys get this virus? Where was the oringinal spot it came from? How can they cure this virus? How did Jarling and Geisbert catch a different kind of Ebola virus?

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