Friday, August 24, 2012

The Hot Zone-Part Four

The book, as a whole, was a good book. The ending was horrible! It was so broken up. In the beginning of part four, it was fine. They made it to the cave and there was an expedition of Kitum Cave. They all have some drinks. Then all of a sudden the book starts talking about a whole bunch of different viruses and how Mother Nature is trying to kill off some humans because there are too many people in the world. I'm saying that diseases and viruses aren't bad, I'm just saying that the part of the book was horribly composed. It didn't flow through like the rest of the book. I also didn't like the fact that there was no closure. It's like I finished the book asking myself "Whats gonna' happen?!" I suppose that could be the point of the book. There really is no way of knowing what was gonna happen. But, did the man who ventured into the cave die? Who was the man who went into the cave? A little confused.


  1. I can see what you mean in the sense that it was really 'broken up.' It didn't have the same 'flow', like you said.

  2. I see what you mean by the ending being a bit broken up, but I was pretty sure that the man who went into the cave was the author, Richard Preston. He couldn't have died, because he published a whole book about dangerous viruses and included this experience.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's what I hate about non-fiction- there's never a proper ending. I actually liked how Preston finished the book,though. I agree with you that the ending was broken up kind of drastically but I enjoyed how he tied it all together. The book as a whole was kind of broken up in itself. It was bits and pieces of information and then the ending, in my opinion, showed us why he wrote it and why all this information was important. And yeah, it was definitely Richard Preston going into the cave. He kept saying 'I'.


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