Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Hot Zone: Part 4

Now that the excitement is over, we go back to the adventures at Kitum Cave in 1993. This part is about the author's experience in the cave with his guides. During his experience in the dry, dusty cave, he bumped his head on a rock and worried he had caught the virus through the microscopic tears around the bump. As the book ended, I was slightly disappointed. I felt like the story trailed off into unnecessary rambling. The second and third parts interested me the most. Overall, this book did a fantastic job of both frightening me and teaching about the deadly Marburg/Ebola viruses.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the ending didn't have much to do with the Ebola virus at least not until the very end. It would of been nice if we could have found out what happened to all the research done in the cave and what was done about it.


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