Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Hot Zone: Part 3

At this point, the book is pretty much closing up and it's been quite the interesting bit of literature.  One of the more intriguing parts of this section was that the disease seemed to refuse to infect the human hosts.  Despite the fact that the 4 workers ended up testing positive for Ebola Reston, none came down with physical symptoms of the virus.  The fact that it is so mobile among the monkeys, and that it was so close to Ebola Zaire, is quite the disturbing piece of information.  I'm not sure what more the book will be adding because the Reston situation has seemingly finished.  I'm hoping to finish by tomorrow though because the section does not seem very long.   When viewing the pictures of the 2 viruses it was amazing how similar they looked, though in many cases I didn't see the "shepherds crook" that was supposedly so prevalent in each of these species.  Though maybe I just am not looking in the right places


  1. I totally agree that this book was intresting. I also found it intriging with the monkeys being infected and sick left and right, but all the humans who came in contact with the virus were all fine. I am excited to finish this book as well. :)

  2. I think I may have seen the shepard's crook in the picture, and it appears to be prevalent. However, it could just be the virus contorting its shape.

  3. I also thought the similarities in appearances between the two viruses was quite amazing and even though how closely alike they look, the effects they have were quite different. I also agree that it is really disturbing that these monkeys were dying so fast, but then again it was so easily transmitted through the air. I wonder why those 4 workers didn't develop physical symptoms, if the virus was multiplying in their bodies. I found that rather strange.


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