Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 3

This section of the book was interesting. The fact that the strain in Reston was a new strain was quite unpredictable. While I read this section, I thought Frantig was going to have contracted the Ebola virus, but the fact that he didn't have it was surprising. I can't believe all the trouble the men and women went through to contain the monkeys, and make sure there was no way the virus could be spread to the outside world. I also found it odd that the Reston strain of Ebola came from Asia. My only question is are there any more strains of Ebola that were found in Asia?


  1. When I read that Frantig got sick on the lawn I thought he had it for sure, and was also surprised that he just had the flu.

  2. I didn't think it was to surprising that Frantig didn't die, the people in this story just won't die. Every time the author build it up for someone to die, they just seem to survive. The Reston strain could possibly come from Africa and got transmitted to Asia.

  3. Oh wow, I hadn't even thought of the idea that there could be more strains of Ebola in Asia. What if there were? What if those strains were native to Asia? Could that mean that there are strains native to other places all over the world, just waiting to emerge?
    Personally, I'm glad that the scientists took so much care to make sure no Ebola could possibly get out. It would be awful to have an Ebola outbreak because of negligence.


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