Friday, August 10, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 3

I found this part of the book just as interesting as the second.  The procedures that the soldiers must follow still bllows my mind. Again, I understand why everything is necessary but it shocks me to know how even the best protection can still falter (rips in the space suits).  I learned that all the experts were so fightened of a virus that wasn't even harmful to them.  I still wonder about how these monkeys, from different parts of the world, have the same virus.  It just baffles me.  I still have to remind myself that this is a true story and that biological emergencies do happen.


  1. I feel the same way Maddy! I was wondering how all the monkeys from different areas have the virus as well. I also thought it was really interesting on all the different procedures the soldiers followed. Especially before entering the facility!

  2. Ya the third part was really good. It kept me on my toes! i still don't understand that either about how all those monkeys got the virus. it just doesn't seem to make sense


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