Friday, August 10, 2012

The Hot Zone: part 3

Starting to read the third part of The Hot Zone was of coarse confusing, but i was able to understand the main idea of this section. From the beginning i knew that the book would be one to leave me with a lot of questions. This reading was interesting and intriguing, i could tell that the team took great precaution to keep the public in line of what they were to know and not know about the virus. It was interesting to see the the soldiers take care of keeping things under control for the people and even the media, not allowing them to see too much of the laboratory. The way that they took such care and precaution entering the laboratory just made me realize of how crucial every move was. If they would of done anything wrong everyone would have payed a great prize. It was disturbing to read on about how even after the monkeys were dead they still had to open them up and test their every body part. Even though it gave me chills it kept reminding me that if this were ever to happen in the future i would know that they would do everything right and cautiously. I had to remind myself that they were destroying living things since they kept using words like "bagging them" and "throwing them" as if they were objects. After the whole media barged in during the this, i just though that chaos and panic where to come. I was a bit confused during the whole episode with the women and the mad monkey and the virus that wasn't harmful.What ? I thought that the viruses were all harmful. I'm still questioning alot this point but its not a surprise, I'm sure it'll make sense in the future. My questions: Why would it ever be possible that the people be that close to a laboratory that extremely dangerous ? Whats up with all the confusing names for the viruses?

1 comment:

  1. I felt bad for the monkeys too. They took blood samples before they killed them so why did they need to disect them? Poor monkeys.


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