Friday, August 17, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 3 (I was in Canada)

I was extremely happy to find that this part wasn't as descriptive about disgusting things as the others were.  I thought that this reading was actually kind of humorous.  Like when they were all chasing that monkey that escaped: I can just imagine them swatting a net around.  But at the same time, I would be SO SCARED.  Like, I would run out of that room screaming bloody murder!!!!!  I am kind of disappointed that they never tested the monkeys to see if it travels by air, but its interesting that those 4 people didn't die, and that the Ebola eventually left...  Oh, and Nancy- she totally should have gone to see her dad before he died.  That's just mean, especially since HE had to call HER.  Irritating people.  Another thing, the fact that they used really young people makes me think 1.)  Young people aren't as valued (if they died, no big deal, but if an experienced scientist died, crap) and 2.) They are leaving this experiment open for mistakes!  These young people are clutzy and inexperienced and one mistake could ruin everything.  I just don't understand...

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