Friday, August 17, 2012

scavenger hunt pictures

The meristem is where the roots grow from the main stem.  This potato has some meristems. 

Cows are a keystone species.  A keystone species is a species where teh ecosystem wouldn't be the without it.  Cows are a vital part of wisco living.

Lettuce is a long day plant.  A long day plant is a plant that needs more light than a normal plant.

A pea pod is a modified leaf.  Most leaves are used to make oxygen but the pea plant makes food.

A carrot is a modified root.  A modified root is

This potato is an example of a modified stem.  It doesn't fulfill the normal needs of a stem.

Mutualism is a symbiotic relatiohship where both parties are helping each other.  Humans make carbon dioxide and the plants use that to make oxygens for us.

Mycorrhizae is a fungus that grows in association with the roots of a plant in relationship. This root has mycorrhizae.

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