Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pictures for August 3rd

 Ectotherm: This little Pill Bug is an ectotherm, because he cannot create body heat for himself.
 Gymnosperm Leaf: Gymnosperm leaves, commonly know as pine needles, are what captures the sunlight and creates food for the tree.
 Connective Tissue: This is a picture of my dog's underarm. He recently had surgery on the connective tissues there, to remove a tumor.

 Xylem: Xylem are the set of cellular tubes in a plant that circulate water and dissolved minerals.
 Phloem: Phloem are the cellular tubes in a plant that transport sugars and other molecules.
 Heterotroph: The birds on my neighbor's birdfeeder are demonstrating their heterotrophic nature, by eating. Unlike autotrophs, heterotrophs cannot make their own food, and must eat other organisms to survive.
 Mutualism: We have a mutualistic relationship with our pets. Both of us benefit from the relationship. Our pets get a home and free food, and us humans get a loving companion.
 Bilateral Symmetry: This Peony leaf shows bilateral symmetry, because there is only one way to cut it so that it is identical on both sides.
 Predation: My cat demonstrated his predation skills by capturing this mouse and bringing it to me. Also, the mouse was fine, it was just really stunned that it was caught.
 Hydrophilic: Sugar is hydrophilic. Sugar loves the water so much, that whenever they meet, the lovestruck sugar will dissolve.

Fermentation: The stuff in beer has to ferment for a few months before it can truly become beer.

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