Monday, August 6, 2012

Part 3 Review of The Hot Zone

What did you think about the reading?
It was interesting to read how the CDC and the Army tried to contain the Ebola virus in the building. It also was interesting to in a way know what some of the people that were working to contain the Ebola were thinking while they were doing it.

What did you learn?
I learned that viruses that can kill humans can also mutate and become a virus that doesn’t effect humans. I learned more about what people have to go through when trying to learn more about and contain a virus. I also learned that the news reporters could’ve potentially made the work that the CDC and the Army were harder if they went to the back of the building and saw what the CDC and the Army were doing.

What questions do you still have?
I think everything I wondered about has been answered by the book. So I have no questions. 


  1. Thank goodness the reporters didn't think to go to the back of the building. Can you imagine what would have happened? The world may have ended.

  2. Lucky that virus did mutate and became harmless. And it's crazy how close the reporters got to compromising the mission. It could've been a disaster very easily, with panic and death in the Washington area. Yikes!


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