Friday, August 17, 2012

 Lichen: Lichen are an extraordinary organism, consisting of a fungus in a symbiotic relationship with an alga.
 Population: These nightshade plants practically popped up in my garden overnight and established a population.
 Frond: A frond is a leaf like appendage that does not differentiate between leaf and foliage.
 Unicellular Organisms: A unicellular organism is an organism that consists only of one cell. There are single celled organisms everywhere, even on our skin.
 Niche: A niche is an organism's place in the environment around it and its interactions with other organisms. This rose bush doesn't know it, but it helps keep burglars out of my house by covering the ground beneath the window with unpleasant thorns.
Mating Behaviour: These mourning doves, though hard to see, were sitting on a telephone wire preening each other. This shows that they are mates and that they take care for each other.

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