Friday, August 10, 2012

Hot Zone Pt. 3

At this point of the reading I was rather disappointed with the climax of this story. At this point I realized that "90% of its victims are dead" were monkeys. However knowing this, I feel relieved knowing that Ebola Zaire wasn't in the United States and didn't have the chance to cause a major outbreak. I feel that the story would of been rather more interesting if the virus would have infected the human race and see how the army and CDC would have reacted. I learned about the fourth sister of the Ebola virus called Ebola Reston. I know that it's easier to be transmitted than any of the other strains of Ebola. I also learned that this strain of Ebola is only contagious with monkeys, however a small change in its DNA could turn it into a black plague, but as contagious as influenza. My questions are what are the probabilities that the Ebola Reston will become contagious towards humans. Where did this strain of Ebola originated and is there any possibilities of creating a cure for these Ebola viruses? Also what are the difficulties of creating a cure for Ebola viruses?

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to agree. I was also rather disappointed with the story's climax.


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