Friday, August 10, 2012

Hot Zone Part Three

   I enjoyed Part three of Hot Zone because it contained details that were less disturbing than the previous sections. I liked this because it helped me to focus onthe plot of the book. I enjoyed all of the action in this selection of the reading. I was shocked to find out Jahrling and Geisbert did not fall ill after coming in contact with the Ebola virus.
    In this section I learned how similar Ebola Zaire and Ebola Reston were to one another, and how they had very different impacts on their hosts. I was surprised to learn that Ebola Reston could survuve in a human host, but have no affect on the human's health. Even though Ebola Reston had no affect on humans, the fact that it showed up in thier blood worried me. Could Ebola Reston potentially become a fatal virus for humans?


  1. Katie, I agree with part three being less disturbing than part one and two! Also, I found it interesting what different types of viruses can do to their hosts.

  2. The less disturbing did help you focus on the story rather than the gruesomeness, I'd have to agree. I was surprised about the Ebola Reston reaction to the human health, too.


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