Friday, August 10, 2012

Hot Zone part 3

This book just keeps getting better.  I thought part three was very exciting with all of the work they did in the monkey house. It was also a little scary, because we didn't find out until the job was pretty much over that the Reston strain doesn't appear to have an effect on humans. It made it even scarier when it was mentioned that there was a daycare near the monkey house. It would be awful if the virus broke out anywhere, but if it infected small children early on, it would seem even worse. I thought it was ridiculous that the Army had to worry not only about keeping the virus contained while they cleared out the monkey house, but also about keeping the media out of it. I also thought that the CDC did a poor job trying to keep the virus contained.  When they said that Frantig should go to Fairfax hospital instead of somewhere more solitary, I was shocked. The man was suspected of being infected with Ebola, and they knew what Ebola can do to people, but instead of isolating him they sent him to a normal hospital. I think that McCormick is very arrogant to think that just because he was around Ebola in Africa and didn't get sick means it is safe to treat Ebola patients in a normal hospital with no extra precautions. Doesn't he realize that it is possible that the virus has mutated?  Why would he think that he is the only expert, when other scientists involved also have field experiece with Ebola and are saying that extreme caution is necessary. On a lighter note, I thought it was funny when Charlotte Godwin went into the monkey house. She knew she was working with a very hot agent that had the potential to kill, but she was worried about being "the one looking like a dork in the action photographs."
 Even though part three was very exciting, I felt like I didn't learn as much as I did in parts one and two. I did learn a bit about how samples are collected, where they put the monkeys to sleep, take the samples they need, and then euthanize them.  I also learned that the Bacillus subtilis niger is used to tell if an area is completely decontaminated becase it is so hard to kill. If the decon job kills it, everything else has probably been killed too.
  I still have a lot of questions. What is the original host of Ebola? How did Ebola get to the Phillipines? Could Ebola Reston mutate to affect humans?  Are Ebola Sudan, Ebola Zaire, and Ebola Reston simply similar viruses to each other, or are they mutated versions of what was initially the same virus? Where did Ebola originate?  I guess the only way to see if my questions are answered is to finish the book.


  1. I thought the same thing about the daycare near the monkey house! I was like "really :O??!" and also about the man they thought might have been infected, why would they send him to a normal hospital where he could infect other people???

  2. yes! i couldn't believe that they sent that man to a normal hospital! you would have thought that once this guy would have gotten infected they would of came to their senses to think that it might infect others????? i don't know WHAT they were thinking!


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