Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hot Zone Part 3

The 3rd part of the book was by far my favorite part. I found it to be the most interesting out of all sections. I was surprised when one of the monkeys has gotten loose. The scientists seem to have the monkeys secured in their cages so thats why I was surprised when the one monkey got loose.I wouldve been really scared if I was testing on a monkey like Rhonda was and the monkey woke up during the testing. I thought the animal care takers wouldnt of gotten Ebola since they havent yet. So I found it surprising when the 4 care takers did get Ebola. This book was very interesting when I expected it to not be so interesting.


  1. I agree. A science book sounded very boring, but it has become kind of thrilling. Especially if I was the one trying to dissect that stupid monkey! I would have run out of there so fast! You'd think that they would be more careful if they're dealing with such a deadly virus!!

  2. Personally I wasn't as interested in the third part of the book but that's just me. It was scary when a monkey escaped just because it lead to potential hazards for everyone that was involved. It makes you realize that regardless of the incredible technology that we have today, there is always room for mistakes and danger. Also if I was testing a monkey and it woke up, I may have went into shock right then and there.


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